This honest communication ruse I've attempted is about as effective as having my lips stapled shut. I might as well not even open my mouth as the words somehow get lost in translation, forever to linger in limbo. I naively believed my honesty would make dating progress more smoothly. If you lay your cards out on the table from the start, everyone has a clear picture of what's expected. However, if your honesty is not what your partner wants to hear, I guess it might as well not be said. Sure you can feel good about yourself but really what have you gained? This works both ways. I want to know your expectations as well as your limitations. If I can't deal with them then again, I will bid you adieu. This is not difficult! Believe what I say, because I WILL follow through. Stop casting me as the villain in every scenario.

I do not aspire to speak in riddle like the dastardly dwarf, Rumpelstiltskin. Perhaps I should provide cliff notes for all of our conversations, so you can quickly review what we've discussed. Confusion averted! I'm sure this wouldn't even work, as not all written word is believed to be the Truth (the Bible, ahem). Anyway, from this point forward I'm done feeling guilty, I'm done second guessing my vernacular, I'm done coddling your feelings. I will be fair and I will be honest with you. I expect the same in return. It's not a matter of protecting ones feelings, it's about understanding eachother in order to avoid hurt feelings. Relationships are difficult enough without the added headache of misinterpretation or complete denial.
One final point - don't pretend you care so much about me when you can't even respect me enough to listen. Don't pretend you want our relationship to work when you ignore what I'm telling you I need to make it work. Don't pretend you're the bigger person because you're ready and I'm not.
Rumpelstiltskin, out...
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